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Brazil Rollout

SAP ERP Rollout to Brazil with SAP S/4HANA – Part 2

SAP ERP Rollout to Brazil with SAP S/4HANA – Part 2 Now we can go into details for each of the main Brazil country specific challenges listed above as well other important information:   Real-Time Integration of electronic Documents NF-e/NFS-e/CT-e (eInvoicing) Probably the most known example of the brazilian legal complexity for business is the […]

Sun, 21 April 2024
Brazil Rollout

SAP ERP Rollout to Brazil with SAP S/4HANA – Part 1

SAP ERP Rollout to Brazil with SAP S/4HANA This blog was designed for SAP solution architects and Global IT members that are studying a future SAP rollout to Brazil or the conversion/implementation of S/4HANA to replace ECC or legacy ERP systems. Revision 2024: This blog post was originally written in 2020 for the SAP Community […]

Sun, 10 March 2024

Debugging DRC eInvoice Creation – Mexico CFDI

Debugging DRC eInvoice Creation – Mexico CFDI After implementing the DRC solution many times in different countries I’ve prepared some information on how to analyze the creation of the eDocument from SD. Besides the obvious parts of reading the notes, reading the help page, preparing the lists of the requirements and so on I wanted […]

Sun, 02 October 2022
FI/Localização BR

S4CN in SAP Inside Track Warsaw 2022

SAP Inside Track Warsaw Last Saturday I participated in the SAP Inside Track Warsaw in Poland . The event was hosted by KMD Poland in their nice office in a kind of business distric of the city.  I was there to make a presentation about e-Invoicing using Document and Reporting Compliance and also to meet […]

Mon, 19 September 2022
FI/Localização BR

Brazil Localization News in S/4HANA

Brazil Localization News in S/4HANA A few weeks ago I participated in the S/4WEEK organized by MIGNOW and I talked about localized business process in Brazil for S/4HANA. I took a part of the presentation and uploaded it to S4CN youtube channel: The video talks about S/4HANA On-Premise 2021. Many Thanks, Renan Correa Quer ficar […]

Sun, 18 September 2022

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